Alcohol and drug addiction treatment center

Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment Center

AMATEM is a center providing training and research in alcohol and drug addicts in Konya Training and Research Hospital. It is located in the Yazır campus; a separate building in Konya Training and Research Hospital. AMATEM, which has been serving since 03th June 2013, offers treatment rehabilitation opportunities to the people who use alcohol and other drugs since its establishment.

What is addiction?

Addiction; is a continue to be taken despite the fact that a substance causes mental, physical or social problems.In spite of the desire to quit, continue using it and the desire to take it cannot be stopped.

If more detailed description of drug addiction is required; is that the substance intake cannot be stopped despite its negative results, spend a lot of time to get rid of the effects of its supply-use, therefore, social activities is abandoned, interpersonal problems are experienced,  it causes the individual to be unable to take on the responsibilities expected from him / her, although it causes physical and psychological reactions, it is the state of using it, and when the substance is not taken, there are signs of deprivation, and the amount substance taking increasis. addiction, is a chronic brain disease.

Treatment team

AMATEM serves with a staff contain 1 instructor, 1 psychiatrist, 1 assistant doctor, 1 psycologist, 1 social worker, 1 nurse and 1 secretary. It serves with a team trained by the ministry of health.

How to be examined?

Addiction treatment required people, AMATEM serves them voluntarily. For treatment the person is expected to be ready and motivated. Therefore, during the appliction, it is important to know that the person is not be in the alcohol-drug effect and the treatment decision come by his willing. Taking the responsibilty of the treatment by the patient is important for the success of the treaement. The treatment process is planned in a framework where the physician/doctor and the patient decide together. In generel the treatment process is divided into impatient and outpatient. Where in many patients outpatient follow-up and treatment is sufficient, some others need to be inpatient treatment followed by outpatient treatment plan. During following up therapy and rehabilitation can be applied on requared patients.

Which treatments are to be used?

In-patient and outpatient treatments can be taken in AMATEM.In our clinic, treatment and follow-up of individuals who are admitted for supervision and freedom are also performed. In the first stage of the treatment, the deprevition symptoms due to alcohol or drug absence are treated. In this stage medical treatment are applied. Later on, there are psychotherapy programs to avoid re-starting of alcohol and drugs. This psychotherapy continue 21 days as impatient in the hospital. However outpatient psychotherapy programs are also exist. In addition to the sessions of psychotherapy, which are generally carried out in the form of cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodrama and interaction groups, awareness-raising meetings are held, as well as family meetings for relatives of patients are organized.

When the patient get out the hospital continuing of outpatient treatment are recommended. There are some regulations to create treatment environment during impatients treatments. Morning walks,   good morning  meeting, social activities, individual meeting and relaxation exercises held important position in the treatment. If it required, during psychotherapy, medical treatment can be continue.  In order to reduce the return of the patients to the addict for long-term, demand-reducing and addiction-reducing treatments are planned and performed. One of these are oral and sub skin naltrexone treatments.

Alcohol and drug addiction prevention methods

To prevent alcohol and drug addictions there are education programs in AMATEM toward high schools, universities students, military and soldiers, families and doctors. Preventive works with conferences and brochures are also in progress.

Physical facilities

In Konya Training and Research Hospital, the AMATEM independent 3 floored building has 26 beds for alcohol and drug addiction treatment. Patient rooms contains double beds. In AMATEM there are group psychotherapy room, education salon and multipurpose salon, there are also astraturf, valley ball and basketball fields, hoppy gardens and miniature farms. AMATEM polyclinic works in the psychiatre clinic building  of Konya education and research hospital.